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Interested in becoming a volunteer?

Click here for the Online Volunteer Application 

What is next? – After completing the volunteer application, please print or email the Volunteer Reference form at the bottom of this screen and give to two people NOT related to you and have them complete the reference within one week of the date you give it to them. A signature MUST be included. Completed reference forms can be sent to:

Volunteer Services Department
Ohio’s Hospice LifeCare
1900 Akron Rd.
Wooster, OH 44691


Fax to 330.262.2819

Click here for the Volunteer Reference Form.


Our volunteers make a difference!

Volunteer holding handmade bears
Volunteer holding handmade bears
Volunteer giving a haircut
Volunteer with a delivery cart
Volunteer with popcorn
Volunteer with cat
Volunteer with balloons and teddy bears
Volunteer visiting a patient
Volunteers with dogs
Volunteer folding papers
Volunteers doing office work
Volunteer at the front desk
Volunteer with guitar
Volunteer holding handmade bearsVolunteer giving a haircutVolunteer with a delivery cartVolunteer with popcornVolunteer with catVolunteer with balloons and teddy bearsVolunteer visiting a patientVolunteers with dogsVolunteer folding papersVolunteers doing office workVolunteer at the front deskVolunteer with guitarVolunteers
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