When Joe Smith was in high school, he played football for Manchester High School. After…

Ohio’s Hospice LifeCare Observes National Healthcare Decision Day
Do I need a lawyer to create an advance directive, living will or health care power of attorney? No.
Only you can change or cancel your living will, durable power of attorney for healthcare and DNR choices. Since the decisions in the documents are made based on your healthcare condition when the document was completed, it is good to look at the document:
- When your health status changes
- At each annual checkup with your physician
- When your family changes for any reason (such as marriage, divorce, births, deaths, etc.)
Talk to your loved ones and plan end-of-life care decisions today, before you need them.
Free forms and information are available for every state at www.nhdd.org.
You can call Ohio’s Hospice LifeCare at 330-264-4899 and one of our trained staff can answer questions about advance care planning.
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